Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RNPCs Are Love - Catherine of Strength

Catherine of Strength is my choice. When I was originally exposed to Granado Espada, I was under the impression that Catherine was a tall, older woman with a frozen face and a bitter demeanor. As time progressed, I began to notice that a majority of the Catherine models were small children with eerie faces, nothing like I had imagined her. Later and much to my delight, I saw Catherine of Strength, whose form accurately matched her mature facial features. Ah, but her character, or lack thereof, is what makes her truly exquisite.

As a role-player who takes the craft with great seriousness, I find myself shying away from other RNPCs. Their personality is pre-made, which leads to potential conflicts between canon and play in general, something that all role-players should do well to avoid. They are essentially constrictive. In comparison, Catherine offers a unique role-playing opportunity. Unlike other characters who have already developed their own flavor, Catherine is a clean slate that is influenced entirely by her surrounding family, evidenced by Torsche's request a few moments before you acquire her card. She is essentially a child without the physical inadequacy, a creature whose flavor is almost entirely under control of the mind that plays her.

The concept of a 'grown' child is further reaffirmed by her exceptionally large skill list. She does practically everything, although her magical and ranged capabilities are somewhat limited. Nonetheless, the number of skills she can learn loudly proclaims that she is a character unstained by a past defined by rigorous training or studying. It becomes your family's duty to teach Catherine and develop her personality, or perhaps she learns by herself through exploring. Either way, you personally get to make your Catherine a character worth remembering, whether it's through being delightfully well-written or just plain deadly.

Catherine of Strength is simply awesome. A unique look combined with a unique flavor and incredible versatility makes her a must-have for any role-playing family. For a demonstration of my take on Catherine, reference the Doriane's Army story or visit the original thread if you don't like Futanari repeated over and over again.

((And yes, I am aware that the contest is practically a raffle, but hey, I might as well explain myself and try to win some decent goodies, no?))

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