Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sinwhat? - The everything post!

I didn't quit GE - Isle of Sacred Sins just, well, has priority on the stack.

Alright, you all might have noticed that I have taken a hiatus from GE since a couple weeks ago. At the moment, role-playing is taking top priority and, unfortunately, the Granado Espadan role-play base is not up to my standards. Don't worry, I'll be back! Especially since I really want to win some Divine Angel wings for the art-pick of the week.

As GE's momentary replacement, I'm enjoying Isle of Sacred Sins, a fresh, new Neverwinter Nights 'social' server with a level 5 cap, small but functional map and a dead sexy premise. I was one of the beta testers back in the day, but the module fell out of grace after experiencing miserably low attendance and, well, me as an failing advertiser. ((I'm frequently tired and laconic, so I usually don't give the best impressions.)) Anyhow, Isle has acquired a strong and friendly player base that, if you're not into Sacred Kingdoms, RoR, Eternal Beauty, Phoenix Rising, you better go check out. It's very hak light and has a body-modder in the OOC areas, so you never, ever have to worry about head overrides. The module is minimalist but does not cut out the fun, but instead concentrates all the aspects of a strong module into efficient clusters. Hey, just like GE at times?

Creative Aurvana DJ - Day 2

Concerning my Aurvana headphones, I took them out in public and enjoyed every second of it. For the first time in a quite a while, I experienced a full-on portable aural experience, losing myself in a large happy hardcore compilation while walking to class. After it concluded, I went to the school arcade to test how much sound I could ignore within the cacophonous cage of body odor, watered-down testosterone and electical noise-makers. Not only did I block out most of the sound of the room, but I even got absorbed in a near-cinematic experience in Gundam Battle Chronicle, which has an excellent soundtrack to accompany the good ol' mech action. My positive opinion toward the Aurvana still stands firmly, grounded in today's exceptional experience.

Lorwyn - Yowch.

I've had the rare pleasure to talk some serious meta with other people in my school. We centralized on Doran, he being lukewarm toward it while I find the GWB legend to be explosive outside of aggro. His points concerning Doran focused on his weakness as an aggro card because you cannot drop him on third turn on a consistent basis, which I wholly agree upon. I merely shed some positive light on our favorite tree by noting how explosive he is as a creature, making Forbidding Watchtowers win-conditions and whatnot.

Card draw became a nice central topic as well. Blue lost a lot of exceptional card-drawing power with the loss of Ravnica block, ditching staples like Compulsive Research and Perilous Research. Viable replacements, given the environment, are Jace, Ponder, and MAYBE clash style decks with Sylvan Echoes. (Okay, I jest, clash as a card engine is not entirely wise.) However, he did bring up that Howling Mine is an exceptional way to draw cards, especially when ramping for turn-walking spells and drawing like a beast with Jace to lessen the repercussions of letting your opponent draw like mad. I like his deck idea very, very much to be honest. Creative and very playable indeed.

I'll be rolling a few decks soon, I might post them if my play testing goes, well, wanky.


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